Dr. Qi Liu is an Associate Professor in Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong. He received his B.E and M.E. from Hunan University in 2005 and 2008. He obtained his Ph.D. from School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University in 2014. Before joining CityU, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Argonne National Laboratory. His current research interests focus on the structure–property studies of functional materials via multiple neutron- and synchrotron-based techniques. His broader research activities include the design and synthesis of novel energy storage materials, phase transition mechanisms and neutron-/synchrotron physics. He has published more than 120 articles in internationally renowned journals such as Nature, Nature Energy, Nature Materials, Nature Sustainability, Nature Communications., Advanced Materials, etc. with ~9000 citations. For more information, please visit www.qiliugroup.com.