Jürgen Janek has a chair for Physical Chemistry at Justus Liebig University in Giessen (JLU). Germany, is director of the JLU Center for Materials Research and Scientific Director of the BELLA lab at KIT, Karlsruhe. He was visiting professor at Seoul National University (South Korea), Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan) and D´Aix-Marseille (France), holds a honorary doctorate by TU Delft (Netherlands), is member of the Leopoldina – German National Academy of Sciences and was recently awarded with the first Greve Prize by Leopoldina and the Research Award of the International Battery Association. He holds numerous patents, has published more than 500 peer-reviewed papers and got numerous awards. His research interests focus on the physical chemistry of inorganic solids, solid state ionics and reactivity, specifically on the properties of mixed ionic-electronic conductors, defect chemistry of ionic materials, kinetics of solid-state reactions and solid-solid interfaces. In recent years his research is focused strongly to the chemistry of battery materials, solid electrolytes and solid-state batteries and operando studies of batteries. He is scientific coordinator of the German Cluster of Competence for Solid State Batteries FESTBATT funded by BMBF (Federal Ministry for Education and Research) and member of the DFG Cluster of Excellence POLIS at Ulm/Karlsruhe.